1MC Presenter Lyncme, Inc.

1MC Presenter - Lyncme, Inc. Prepared by Isabella Johnston, 1MC Orlando organizer & CEO Pivot Business Consulting
Nigel Brown, CEO and software developer observed a place in the market for a mobile platform to provide a social networking concept that surpasses Eventbrite’s 1.7 million events created on their platform and bridges the gap between social networks and event management. The problem he saw with event management platforms became an opportunity. There is a disconnect for consumers when creating, managing, marketing and selling events.”
Brown took the opportunity to pitch his concept to the 1MC Orlando audience to shred and find problems, this is the money for all entrepreneurs. Presenting at 1MC enables entrepreneurs to differentiate their product.
The take away? A home run – the ability to have feedback that will take him back to the drawing board. Validation truly does identify defects, problems, breaks that take Brown before LyncMe rolls out to market.
Contact Nigel Brown at 716-239-5541, Email is nigel@lyncmeinc.com
Lyncme, Inc. social channels:
FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/lyncme
Twitter https://twitter.com/lyncmeinc