1MC Presenter Trveler

Trveler - January 27, 2016 Prepared by Isabella Johnston, 1MC Orlando Organizer & CEO Pivot Business Consulting
Trveler is a subscription based spontaneous travel service that provides an inclusive, flat monthly fee. The company provides travelers with the ability to travel multiple times a year to new destinations each time without the hassle of having to find the best deal possible. Lifestyle traveling at its best – on your terms and schedule. Currently, the company is targeting their marketing to millennials. Boomers will jump on this also. The ability to travel up to 4 times a year for under $2,000 a year is amazing. Travelers can take advantage of round trip airfare, hotel stay and add-ons such as activities, transportation, and special events for a flat monthly fee. I can hear you all saying “Sign me up now.” In the famous words of Dr. Seuss, “You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So…get on your way!” Contact Pablo
Chavez at 407-433-4418, Email is pchavez@trveler.com
Trveler’s website is https://app.trveler.com/
Social channels: FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/trveler
Twitter https://twitter.com/trvelernation
Google + https://plus.google.com/share?url=https%3A%2F%2Fapp.trveler.com%2F