What I Learned From SlaterConsult’s e-Stimate Assessment About My Personality
I have been looking to be certified in a personality tool that encompasses 360 communication, leadership development, and team dynamics....

How Will the 2018 Department of Labor Guidelines Impact Internships? Is There a Disruptive Solution?
If you are an employer with a for profit company, non-profit organization, or government agency, think back to when you were desperate...

Success is colorful! Why we decided to work with the e-stimate® personality profiles…
If you have ever googled ‘personality profiles’ in the hopes to find the perfect assessment tool for your organization, you will know...

Client Spotlight - Create the Movement
Brad Post is the owner of Create the Movement, we have known each other through the 1 Million Cups organizer community. Brad has been a...

Implementing Innovation and Trends When Building Your Team
Technology now moves at lightning speed, which and impacts how we interact with each other in business and in our personal lives. Seems...