How Pivot Helped This English Major Find A Career Path (Part 1)
Like a lot of new adults, after reaching the end of my preordained school path and stumbling into the nonlinear “real” world, I got lost....
Pivoting Within Pivot: An Intern's Journey
So you work for this company. It’s been around for two years, and you’re trying to get your feet wet with this social media marketing...

1MC Presenter Lyncme, Inc.
1MC Presenter - Lyncme, Inc. Prepared by Isabella Johnston, 1MC Orlando organizer & CEO Pivot Business Consulting Nigel Brown, CEO and...

1MC Presenter Trveler
Trveler - January 27, 2016 Prepared by Isabella Johnston, 1MC Orlando Organizer & CEO Pivot Business Consulting Trveler is a...

1MC Presenter - ReadyMade
1Mil Cups Companies ReadyMade - January 27, 2016 Prepared by Isabella Johnston, 1MC Orlando Organizer & CEO Pivot Business...

1MC Presenter - Indienomicon
Indienomicon - January 13, 2016 1st Presenter Kunal Patel is the head of Indienomicon, this cool gaming meetup organization was...

1MC Presenter - IQ Onsite
IQ Onsite – Formed June 2015 by James Beckmann and presented January 13, 2016 at 1MC Orlando. IQ Onsite is a messaging app for schools to...

1MC Presenter - Treasurer Box Kids
Treasure Box Kids – Founded by Carolyn Bailey, presented January 6, 2016 at 1MC Orlando. Carolyn developed her love for sewing when she...

1 MC Presenter - Millennial BioFuels
Millennial BioFuels, LLC –Michael (Dan) Crippen (founder) presented January 6, 2016 at 1MC Orlando. Interesting backstory about Dan....
1 Million Cups And An Entrepreneur's Journey
You might ask yourself, ‘What is 1 Million Cups. Sounds like a whole lot of java!’ Pretty cool concept actually - 1 Million Cups was...