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Let’s pretend we are meeting for the first time. Wait—we are! This is what I want to share with you.


What do you? I love working with leaders, entrepreneurs, and nonprofit organizations with continuous learning, leadership development, team building, and process improvement. 


What am I passionate about? At my core, I know I am a teacher, entrepreneur, innovator, game learning, writer, and lover of organization, structure, and systems. 


What are your qualifications? My roots are in education-explains a lot

  • Graduated from Rollins College with a BA in English. I love my school, it reminds me of Harvard.  I selected English as my field of study because I enjoyed writing, research, including the creative and structure side of the degree.

  • Graduated from Belhaven University with a MBA. great people, great teaching, and great values. ​​

  • All but dissertation (ABD) for a PhD in leadership with a specialization in human resource development.  My topic of interest to study is Servant Leadership and the impact that has on employee engagement, commitment, and empathy towards others. 

  • Certificates in leadership and also in Nonprofit Management

  • Believe in the value of game learning, continuous learning, and 360 from multi-generations


Core competencies:

Leadership Development Team Communication * Team building * Strategic Planning * Business Strategy * Entrepreneurship *

Nonprofit Management * Social Entrepreneurship


What is your favorite part of the work? I look for problems in systems and look for ways to bring efficiency and solutions that make work more productive and save money


Why are you different?  People tell me my background is unique and it took me a while to understand what they meant.  My background is a blend: 1) education (learning, service, empathy), 2) nonprofit (awareness, service, manners, compassion), 3) entrepreneurship/innovation (change is good, problem solving, customer service) 4) government (order & structure, systems, processes)  All of that has created a unique perspective which helps me navigate these sectors for my clients.


What is the most pivotal (pun intended) thing you’ve learned in your career?  I learned my work-ethic from my parents that made me earn and save money to buy things for myself. They helped me become independent, resourceful, and use my talents for good.  Meaning, super controlling chick that has learned to use it for good. Be genuine, grateful, humble, and remember that no one has to do anything for me. If they do it is a gift and be thankful.


Parting thoughts? 

1) The most valuable things each of us has to offer another person is what is in our head and heart.  Give those freely. 

2) Remember to see people around you – the homeless, poor, and mentally ill. They are people that need our help. There, but for the grace of God, it could be you.

3) Everything is temporary, don’t pay attention to distractions, and believe, really believe, that God has your back and is in control.

OEP Orlando Tech Council 
Certified e-Stimate Facilitator
TEDxOrlando Leadership Team

We grow entrepreneurs and forward thinking leaders to define purpose, processes, and plans. A dream must go through a lot of heavy effort before it can realize itself and become real. You must be the pivot by which these efforts turn.

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